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Custom Content Packages

Enhance your brand’s visibility with our Custom Content Packages, which feature in-depth articles tailored to showcase your brand’s story, latest product launches, or key announcements. Each meticulously crafted piece spans 600-800 words and is enriched with 5-10 premium images, along with direct links to your product pages or main website for immediate access. To maximize reach, we’ll leverage our extensive social media network, distributing your story via 7 targeted Tweets, a compelling Facebook post, and an engaging Instagram update.

For an additional impact, consider integrating an exclusive YouTube video, offering a dynamic way to connect with your audience.”


Unlock unparalleled brand exposure and gather crucial customer insights with our engaging Competition Packages. Designed to captivate your audience, these contests not only spotlight your brand but also compile valuable email contacts for your future marketing campaigns. We’ll bring your competition to life for a full 14 days, ensuring it gains maximum visibility through our tailored social media strategy, which includes 14 targeted Tweets, 2 dynamic Facebook posts, and an eye-catching Instagram post.

This approach stands as one of the most efficient and cost-effective strategies to broaden your reach across our platforms, seamlessly integrating with our banner advertising services for even greater impact. By coupling the competition with a banner ad campaign, you’ll see a significant boost in traffic and participant sign-ups. Experience a cost per lead (CPL) that’s unmatched in affordability, making our Competition Packages a superior choice for your marketing objectives

Social Media Coverage

Boost your brand’s presence with our comprehensive Social Media Coverage services. Leveraging the vast reach of MenStyleFashion and Gracie Opulanza’s social media profiles, which cumulatively boast over 1 million followers, your brand gains access to a wide and engaged audience. Our offerings range from impactful single posts to full-scale, multi-platform campaigns, designed to meet your specific promotional needs. Benefit from our deep expertise in driving social engagement and fostering audience growth to elevate your brand’s online visibility

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